The Evolution and Features of the Indian Constitution

Constitution Adoption Journey
Constitution Adoption Journey
The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949 but came into effect on 26th January 1950. It was drafted by a Constituent Assembly which took nearly three years to complete the task.
World’s Longest Written Constitution
World’s Longest Written Constitution
India's Constitution is the longest of any sovereign nation, containing 395 articles, 22 parts, 12 schedules originally. Its extensive nature includes detailed administrative procedures uncommon in other constitutions.
Unique Blend of Sources
Unique Blend of Sources
The Indian Constitution is a unique collage, drawing from governmental systems globally. It combines British Parliamentary structure, US Federalism, Irish Directive Principles, and the French concept of Republic.
Fundamental Rights Evolution
Fundamental Rights Evolution
Initially, the Constitution provided for seven Fundamental Rights. However, the Right to Property was later removed by the 44th Amendment Act, making it a legal right rather than a fundamental one.
Amendment Flexibility
Amendment Flexibility
The Constitution can be amended to address changing needs. Notably, the 42nd Amendment, termed as 'Mini-Constitution', brought extensive changes in 1976 during the Emergency period.
Special Provisions
Special Provisions
Article 370 was a temporary provision granting special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. After decades, it was revoked in 2019, altering the region's constitutional status and bifurcating the state.
Innovative Schedules Addition
Innovative Schedules Addition
Originally 8 schedules were part of the constitution, but now there are 12. They include languages, administrative details, and provisions for disadvantaged groups, underlining India's commitment to a detailed governance framework. Mascot
When was the Constitution of India adopted?
26th January 1950
26th November 1949
15th August 1947