Half-Marathon Training Fundamentals

Get Your Running Game Strong 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
Get Your Running Game Strong 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
Kick off with a regular running routine. Up your stamina by running more each week, and don't skip those long runs. Remember, chilling out is key for bouncing back. Try to be cool with running 30-35 miles every week before you dive into focused half-marathon prep.
Get Faster with Speedy Workouts 🏃‍♂️💨
Get Faster with Speedy Workouts 🏃‍♂️💨
Mix in sprints and steady fast runs into your routine. Sprinting in short bursts ups your speed; running faster than normal for a bit helps you keep the pace up longer during races. Try adding one quick workout a week, and step it up bit by bit.
Eating Right & Staying Watered Up 💧
Eating Right & Staying Watered Up 💧
Aim for a mix of carbs 🍞, proteins 🍗, and fats 🥑 in your meals. Drink plenty of water every day. Try your 'game day' snacks 🍌 during practice runs to keep your tummy happy on the big day! 🏃‍♂️
Plan Your Race Like a Pro
Plan Your Race Like a Pro
Make a game plan for your race. Kick off a bit slower than your dream speed 🐢, tackle the race bit by bit. Save some juice for the end-game 🏁 and try to finish stronger than you started! 🚀
Get Strong 💪 to Run Long 🏃‍♂️
Get Strong 💪 to Run Long 🏃‍♂️
Hit the gym or home workouts 2x a week - work on your abs, hips, and legs to run better and dodge injuries. Chill out and rest up before the big race day. 🛌🏁
Running on Antelope Power
Running on Antelope Power
Humans can outrun antelopes in ultra-marathons due to our superior endurance and cooling system. Surprising, but true!
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is key before specific half-marathon training?
Speed work and intervals
Running 30-35 miles per week
Daily hydration practices