Vikings Before Columbus: The Norse in North America

Vikings Before Columbus
Vikings Before Columbus
Contrary to popular belief, the Vikings, led by explorer Leif Erikson, reached North America around the year 1000 AD, approximately 500 years before Christopher Columbus embarked on his famous voyage.
Vinland, The New World
Vinland, The New World
The Norse sagas tell of a land called Vinland, identified by many as coastal regions of North America. Viking expeditions sought resources, with Markland (likely Labrador) and Helluland (possibly Baffin Island) also mentioned.
L'Anse Aux Meadows
L'Anse Aux Meadows
Archaeological evidence at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, substantiates Norse presence with remains of an 11th-century Viking settlement, including eight houses and various artifacts.
Viking Navigation Techniques
Viking Navigation Techniques
Vikings navigated the treacherous North Atlantic using sunstones to locate the sun's position on cloudy days, aiding in their remarkable journey to the New World without modern compasses.
Indigenous Norse Conflicts
Indigenous Norse Conflicts
The Norse likely encountered indigenous peoples, referred to as 'Skrælingar' in the sagas. These interactions included trade but also led to conflicts that contributed to the Vikings' withdrawal from the region.
Greenland's Viking Exodus
Greenland's Viking Exodus
The Greenland Norse colonies, critical waypoints to North America, were abandoned in the 15th century. Climate change, economic factors, and hostilities with natives likely led to their mysterious disappearance.
Legacy of Norse Explorers
Legacy of Norse Explorers
The Viking exploration of the New World didn’t establish lasting European settlements but did set a precedent for transatlantic voyages, influencing future explorers and the eventual European colonization of the Americas. Mascot
Who led Vikings to North America?
Erik the Red
Leif Erikson
Christopher Columbus