The Rise and Fall of the Habsburg Dynasty

Dynasty Origins and Expansion
Dynasty Origins and Expansion
The Habsburg Dynasty's Spanish line began with Charles I in 1516. Their dominion expanded vastly, including territories in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, effectively establishing the first global empire marked by the phrase 'the empire on which the sun never sets'.
Charles I: Dual Monarch
Charles I: Dual Monarch
Charles I of Spain was also Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. His dual reign, from 1519 to 1556, led to a complex and extensive empire, demanding a delicate balance between European politics and overseas expansion in the New World.
Philip II's Majestic Rule
Philip II's Majestic Rule
Philip II, Charles I's son, inherited a prosperous but overstretched empire in 1556. He moved the court to Madrid, centralized power, and saw victories like the Battle of Lepanto (1571), but also faced the Armada's defeat (1588) and Dutch Revolt.
Art and Culture Flourish
Art and Culture Flourish
Spain's Golden Age, or 'Siglo de Oro', was a period of prolific artistic and cultural production. Artists like El Greco and Velázquez, and writers like Cervantes and Lope de Vega, reflected the empire's complexity and grandeur in their works.
Economic Strain and Decline
Economic Strain and Decline
Despite its grandeur, the empire struggled economically due to costly wars, inflation, and over-dependence on precious metals from the Americas. These issues, compounded by a rigid social structure, led to a slow but irreversible decline in the late 17th century.
Habsburgs' Genetic Downfall
Habsburgs' Genetic Downfall
The Habsburgs' preference for intermarriage led to a dangerously small genetic pool. The most extreme case was Charles II, whose health issues, believed to result from inbreeding, left no heir, leading to the War of the Spanish Succession.
Legacy of a Global Empire
Legacy of a Global Empire
The Habsburgs' legacy is multifaceted: they left behind a culturally rich Spain, influenced global trade, and shaped European politics. Their decline shifted the balance of power, setting the stage for modern Europe's evolving political landscape. Mascot
When did Charles I start ruling?
1516, initiating the Spanish line
1556, after Holy Roman Emperor
1500, beginning of the century