The Life and Legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon's Surprising Origins
Napoleon's Surprising Origins
Although known as French, Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica to Italian parents in 1769, only one year after the island was transferred to France.
Master of Rapid Promotion
Master of Rapid Promotion
Napoleon rose quickly through the military ranks, becoming a general at the age of 24, largely due to the chaotic environment of the French Revolution.
Architect of Legal Reform
Architect of Legal Reform
The Napoleonic Code, instituted in 1804, radically changed French law and is considered a foundation for many modern legal systems, emphasizing a clear written law.
Height's Historical Misconception
Height's Historical Misconception
Contrary to popular belief, Napoleon was not exceptionally short. He was around 5'7", average for a Frenchman of his time. The myth stems from confusion over unit measurements.
Exile and Escape
Exile and Escape
Exiled to Elba in 1814, Napoleon escaped less than a year later, gathering supporters and returning to power for his 'Hundred Days' before his final defeat.
Napoleon's Rabbit Fiasco
Napoleon's Rabbit Fiasco
In 1807, Napoleon was attacked by thousands of rabbits during a hunting event. The rabbits, meant to be hunted, instead overwhelmed the emperor and his men. Mascot
Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
In Paris, France
In Corsica, to Italian parents
In Rome, Italy