Exploring the Life and Philosophy of Socrates

Who Was Socrates?
Who Was Socrates?
Socrates, a classical Greek philosopher, lived from 470/469 to 399 BC. Unlike his contemporaries, he left no writings behind, with knowledge of him coming from disciples like Plato and Xenophon.
Socratic Method Origins
Socratic Method Origins
Socrates developed the Socratic Method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue. It uncovers and eliminates false beliefs, leading to the discovery of underlying truths.
Socrates' Philosophical Stance
Socrates' Philosophical Stance
Famous for his claim 'I know that I know nothing,' Socrates believed in the necessity of admitting one's own ignorance to pursue wisdom.
Political Views and Impact
Political Views and Impact
Socrates questioned Athenian democracy, which made him unpopular with many. His critiques influenced political thought, emphasizing the importance of questioning leadership.
Charged with Impiety
Charged with Impiety
In 399 BC, Socrates was charged with impiety and corrupting the youth. His trial and death sentence were pivotal events, illustrating the conflict between the individual and society.
Socrates' Enigmatic Personality
Socrates' Enigmatic Personality
Socrates was known for his wit and humility, often portrayed as a man who loved conversation. His complex personality continues to fascinate scholars and laypeople alike.
Legacy in Western Philosophy
Legacy in Western Philosophy
Socrates is considered the father of Western philosophy. His teachings laid the groundwork for ethics and epistemology, influencing countless philosophers, from Plato to modern thinkers.
Socrates and the Oracle
Socrates and the Oracle
The Oracle of Delphi declared Socrates the wisest man, prompting his quest to understand wisdom by questioning others.
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What did Socrates leave behind?
Philosophical writings
Nothing, his ideas were orally transmitted
Detailed autobiographies