Exploring Ancient Civilizations and Global Trade

Dawn of Civilization
Dawn of Civilization
The first cities emerged in Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE. This cradle of civilization birthed writing, law, and trade systems. Did you know Sumerians invented the wheel, transforming transportation and warfare?
Great Library of Alexandria
Great Library of Alexandria
Founded in the 3rd century BCE, this library was the learning hub of the ancient world. Housing up to 700,000 scrolls, it was tragically destroyed, resulting in the loss of countless texts and knowledge.
Non-Eurasian Empires
Non-Eurasian Empires
Empires flourished beyond Eurasia, such as the powerful Kingdom of Aksum in Africa, which controlled trade across the Red Sea to Arabia, and issued its own currency as early as the 3rd century.
Hidden Female Rulers
Hidden Female Rulers
The Trưng Sisters led the first resistance movement against Chinese occupation in Vietnam in 40 CE. These warrior queens are national heroines, often overlooked in traditional Western narratives of history.
Medieval African Universities
Medieval African Universities
The University of Timbuktu, founded in the 12th century in Mali, was a global center of Islamic learning. It had one of the world's largest libraries with an estimated 700,000 manuscripts.
Uncharted Global Trade
Uncharted Global Trade
Before Columbus sailed, the world had vibrant trade networks. The Indian Ocean Trade connected Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Remarkably, Native Americans traded goods across vast distances well before European contact.
Antarctic Whaling Industry
Antarctic Whaling Industry
In the early 1900s, Antarctica's whaling stations were bustling economic centers. Whalers from various nations braved extreme conditions, leading to the exploitation and near extinction of whale populations.
Ancient Postal Services
Ancient Postal Services
The Achaemenid Empire in Persia had a postal system with relay stations every 15 miles, enabling couriers to deliver messages swiftly across vast distances.
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Where did first cities emerge?
Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE
Egypt around 3100 BCE
Indus Valley 2500 BCE