The Evolution of Medicine: From Ancient Remedies to Modern Genetics

Medicine's Ancient Origins
Medicine's Ancient Origins
Medicine's roots extend to ancient times, with the earliest surgeries performed by Neolithic healers using flint tools. Herbal remedies were common, and ancient Egyptians practiced complex medical treatments over 5,000 years ago.
Hippocrates: Medicine's Father
Hippocrates: Medicine's Father
Hippocrates, a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, is often touted as the 'Father of Medicine.' He championed disease rationalization, dismissing supernatural causes and advocating for ethical medical practice.
The Stethoscope's Invention
The Stethoscope's Invention
In 1816, French physician René Laënnec invented the stethoscope. Surprisingly, it was born out of politeness; he was uncomfortable placing his ear on a woman's chest to hear her heart.
Penicillin's Accidental Discovery
Penicillin's Accidental Discovery
Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin in 1928 was a game-changer and quite accidental. He noticed bacteria-killing mold on a misplaced petri dish, leading to the first true antibiotic.
Vaccines and Variolation
Vaccines and Variolation
Before vaccines, there was variolation, an early method to immunize against smallpox by using small doses of the virus. The practice dates back to 15th-century China and possibly earlier.
Anesthesia Revolutionizes Surgery
Anesthesia Revolutionizes Surgery
The 1846 public demonstration of ether anesthesia marked a pivotal moment in medicine. Pain-free surgery became a reality, transforming patient care and expanding the possibilities of surgical procedures.
CRISPR: Gene Editing Future
CRISPR: Gene Editing Future
CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing technology discovered in 2012, has revolutionized genetics. It allows precise DNA modification, with potential cures for genetic disorders and a road map for future medical breakthroughs. Mascot
Who is considered the 'Father of Medicine'?
René Laënnec
Alexander Fleming