Ancient Engineering Marvels

Great Pyramid of Giza
Great Pyramid of Giza
Constructed around 2580-2560 BC, the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure for 3,800 years. Remarkably, its alignment is just 3/60th of a degree from true north, showcasing the Egyptians' advanced understanding of mathematics and astronomy.
Hanging Gardens Mystery
Hanging Gardens Mystery
The existence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon remains unconfirmed, yet they're celebrated as an ancient wonder. If real, they featured an advanced irrigation system, possibly a chain pump, to sustain exotic plants atop a multi-leveled structure.
Ancient Roman Concrete
Ancient Roman Concrete
Roman concrete, used in structures like the Pantheon, has withstood centuries without steel reinforcement. Its durability is attributed to volcanic ash, which helped prevent cracks from spreading. Modern scientists study it for insight into stronger, eco-friendly concrete.
Antikythera Mechanism
Antikythera Mechanism
Discovered in a shipwreck off Greece, the Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient analog computer dating back to 100 BC. It predicted astronomical positions and eclipses with extraordinary precision, illustrating a sophisticated understanding of gear systems.
Incan Stonemasonry
Incan Stonemasonry
The Incas built walls with stones so precisely cut that they fit together without mortar. This 'dry stone' technique provided stability during earthquakes. Machu Picchu is a prime example, with its intricate interlocking stones.
Chinese South Pointing Chariot
Chinese South Pointing Chariot
The South Pointing Chariot, an early form of non-magnetic compass, was invented during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC). Using differential gears, it kept a pointer aimed southward, exemplifying ancient China's innovative engineering.
Sewer Systems of Indus
Sewer Systems of Indus
The Indus Valley Civilization (2600-1900 BC) had advanced sewer systems with covered drains, manholes, and flushing toilets. These hygienic innovations highlight their sophisticated urban planning and understanding of public health. Mascot
When was the Great Pyramid constructed?
Around 2580-2560 BC
During 3000-2800 BC
Circa 2100-2000 BC