The History of Vaccination

The Pioneering Vaccination
The Pioneering Vaccination
The smallpox vaccine was the first successful vaccine to be developed. Edward Jenner, an English physician, created it in 1796 by using material from cowpox pustules.
Cowpox & Smallpox Link
Cowpox & Smallpox Link
Jenner observed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox did not catch smallpox. He hypothesized that cowpox provided immunity against the deadlier smallpox.
First Vaccination Test
First Vaccination Test
Jenner tested his hypothesis on 8-year-old James Phipps by exposing him to cowpox, then smallpox. James did not develop smallpox, proving Jenner's theory.
Vaccine Name Origin
Vaccine Name Origin
The term 'vaccine' derives from the Latin 'vaccinus', meaning 'from the cow', reflecting the source of the virus used in the smallpox vaccine.
Global Eradication
Global Eradication
Smallpox is the first disease to be eradicated through vaccination. The World Health Organization declared it eradicated in 1980 after a successful global immunization campaign.
Vaccine From Cow Orphans
Vaccine From Cow Orphans
In early trials, orphans and prisoners were often used for vaccine testing, a practice unthinkable today. Mascot
Who developed the first vaccine?
James Phipps
A milkmaid
Edward Jenner