Heart: More Than a Pump
Heart: More Than a Pump
The human heart beats around 100,000 times daily, circulating blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. That's enough to encircle the Earth more than twice!
Heart's Electrical System
Heart's Electrical System
Your heart has its own electrical system, governing beats with a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial node, located in the right atrium.
Heart Size and Position
Heart Size and Position
The size of your heart is approximately that of your clenched fist. Contrary to popular belief, it sits at the center of the chest, tilted slightly left.
Remarkable Regeneration
Remarkable Regeneration
The heart has a limited capacity to regenerate itself. Unlike skin or liver, heart cells renew at a far slower rate, about 1% annually.
Heartbeat's Unique Signature
Heartbeat's Unique Signature
Every person's heartbeat has a unique signature. It's so distinct that it can be used as a biometric identifier, similar to fingerprints.
Cardiac Asthma Phenomenon
Cardiac Asthma Phenomenon
Cardiac asthma isn't a form of asthma; it's a type of coughing or wheezing that occurs with left heart failure.
Athlete's Heart Adaptation
Athlete's Heart Adaptation
An athlete's heart can be up to 50% larger than non-athletes'. This is due to the heart's adaptation to sustained high-intensity training regimes.
Heart's Own Brain Cells
Heart's Own Brain Cells
The heart contains about 40,000 neurons, forming a 'heart brain' that can sense, feel, and remember independently of the brain.
Learn.xyz Mascot
How many times does the heart beat daily?
Around 50,000 times
About 100,000 times
More than 200,000 times