The Evolution of Government Surveillance

Government Surveillance History
Government Surveillance History
US surveillance dates back to WWII with the creation of the Office of Strategic Services. Post-9/11, the Patriot Act expanded government powers to monitor communications for counterterrorism, laying groundwork for mass data collection.
NSA's Secret Programs
NSA's Secret Programs
Edward Snowden's 2013 leaks revealed NSA's covert operations like PRISM, collecting data from tech giants. The extent of surveillance was greater than public knowledge, spanning global communications, often without warrants.
FISA Court Role
FISA Court Role
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) established a secret court authorizing surveillance. Critics argue it's a mere rubber stamp, with a 99.97% approval rate in 2013, raising concerns about oversight and abuse.
Surveillance Technology Advance
Surveillance Technology Advance
Facial recognition, drones, and AI have enhanced surveillance capabilities. The FBI's facial recognition database includes over 641 million images, often from driver's licenses, potentially without consent or knowledge.
Encryption Battle
Encryption Battle
Encryption protects privacy, but governments see it as an obstacle. The FBI vs. Apple case post-San Bernardino attack highlighted the tension between privacy rights and law enforcement's access to encrypted data.
Global Surveillance Network
Global Surveillance Network
The Five Eyes alliance among US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand facilitates broad sharing of surveillance data. This global network extends the US's surveillance reach, often circumventing domestic legal restrictions.
Current Legal Changes
Current Legal Changes
Reforms like the USA Freedom Act of 2015 limited bulk collection of phone records. Yet, surveillance practices continue to evolve, with new technologies and policies underscoring the balance between security and privacy.
Bird Spying
Bird Spying
During the Cold War, the CIA used pigeons with cameras to spy on Soviet sites, showcasing early, creative surveillance tactics. Mascot
When was the OSS created?
During World War II
After 9/11 attacks
During the Cold War