The Evolution of Fruit Domestication

The Dawn of Agriculture
The Dawn of Agriculture
Agriculture began around 12,000 years ago. Hunter-gatherers started planting wild grains they had harvested. This shift marked the Neolithic Revolution, changing human societies from nomadic to settled farming communities.
First Fruit Domestication
First Fruit Domestication
Figs were likely the first domesticated fruit, predating the cultivation of staple grains. Archaeological findings in the Jordan Valley suggest fig cultivation occurred over 11,300 years ago, hinting at the foresight of early farmers.
Apples' Kazakhstani Origins
Apples' Kazakhstani Origins
Wild Malus sieversii, found in Kazakhstan, is the ancestor of modern apples. These ancient apples were domesticated through Silk Road trade, spreading diverse varieties that would eventually lead to our sweet, cultivated apples.
Bananas: A Prehistoric Crop
Bananas: A Prehistoric Crop
Bananas may have been cultivated earlier than thought. Evidence suggests people in Papua New Guinea were farming bananas 7,000 years ago. This challenges the belief that grain domestication was the primary agricultural pursuit of early civilizations.
Selective Breeding Transformations
Selective Breeding Transformations
Selective breeding dramatically transformed fruits. For example, watermelons depicted in ancient Egyptian art were hardly recognizable, with sparse, bitter flesh. Thousands of years of cultivation have led to the sweet, juicy watermelons we enjoy today.
Grapes: From Wild to Wine
Grapes: From Wild to Wine
Grapes were domesticated 6,000-8,000 years ago, possibly in the Near East. Viticulture became a cornerstone of ancient civilizations, with wine being a cultural staple. Today, we still benefit from the sophisticated grape breeding of our ancestors.
Ancient Avocado Adeptness
Ancient Avocado Adeptness
Avocados were cultivated by Mesoamericans over 10,000 years ago. The large seed and thick skin were advantageous for dispersal by megafauna. With the megafauna’s extinction, humans played a key role in the avocado's survival and propagation. Mascot
What started the Neolithic Revolution?
Domestication of cats
Planting wild grains
Building first cities