Netiquette: Online Manners and Etiquette

Netiquette: Online Manners
Netiquette: Online Manners
Netiquette combines 'net' (from internet) and 'etiquette' to define the code of conduct for online interactions. It ensures respectful and considerate communication, similar to expected behaviors in face-to-face encounters.
History of Netiquette
History of Netiquette
Netiquette evolved with the internet since the 1980s. Early online communities and bulletin board services (BBS) necessitated guidelines to navigate the novel social space, leading to the first informal rules of digital communication.
Core Rules Unveiled
Core Rules Unveiled
Virginia Shea's 1994 book 'Netiquette' outlined core guidelines: Remember human behind messages, adhere to the same standards as real life, respect others' time and bandwidth, share knowledge, and maintain friendly interactions.
Global Impact
Global Impact
Netiquette varies by culture but universally aims to reduce misunderstandings. It's crucial for global communication, as the internet doesn't convey tone or body language, making cultural sensitivity and clarity essential.
Modern Netiquette
Modern Netiquette
Today's netiquette extends beyond conversation to include email etiquette, social media behavior, and online gaming. With the rise of digital workspaces, professional netiquette is increasingly important for maintaining productivity and workplace harmony.
Netiquette Breaches
Netiquette Breaches
Ignoring netiquette can lead to 'flaming', online arguments, or 'trolling', deliberate provocation. Such breaches not only disrupt online communities but may also have real-world consequences, including legal actions in severe cases.
Future of Netiquette
Future of Netiquette
As technology evolves, so too will netiquette. The rise of virtual reality, augmented reality, and AI-driven communication platforms will create new netiquette challenges and standards, ensuring respectful digital coexistence. Mascot
What does 'Netiquette' combine?
'Network' and 'etiquette'
'Internet' and 'etiquette'
'Net' and 'ethics'