Mastering Conflict Resolution

Understanding Conflict Types
Understanding Conflict Types
Conflict arises from differences between individuals or groups. Five main types are: interpersonal, intrapersonal, intragroup, intergroup, and structural. Recognizing conflict types is key to management and resolution strategies.
Conflict's Positive Dynamics
Conflict's Positive Dynamics
Contrary to common perceptions, conflict can foster innovation, strengthen relationships, and enhance motivation. When managed well, it leads to better decision-making and problem-solving by bringing diverse viewpoints to light.
Neuroscience Behind Conflicts
Neuroscience Behind Conflicts
Neuroscientific studies reveal that conflict triggers the brain's fight or flight response, releasing cortisol. Understanding this response can lead to better conflict management techniques, focusing on de-escalation and constructive dialogue.
Psychology of Conflict Resolution
Psychology of Conflict Resolution
Psychologist Daniel Shapiro's theory emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying emotional needs – autonomy, affiliation, acknowledgment, status, and role – to effectively resolve conflicts.
Cultural Dimensions in Conflict
Cultural Dimensions in Conflict
Cultural differences heavily impact conflict perception and management. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory provides insight into how national cultures play a role in conflict dynamics, requiring tailored resolution strategies.
Mediation Techniques Unveiled
Mediation Techniques Unveiled
Effective mediation includes techniques such as active listening, neutral language, and collaborative problem-solving. Mediators often use the 'BATNA' concept – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement – to find mutually satisfactory solutions.
Conflict Management Frameworks
Conflict Management Frameworks
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) identifies five conflict-handling modes: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating. Each mode serves a purpose based on the conflict situation and desired outcomes. Mascot
What are the main conflict types?
External, internal, universal
Personal, social, existential
Interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup