The Evolution of Marriage: From Business Deals to Romantic Unions

Marriage Origins
Marriage Origins
Marriage's roots trace back to Mesopotamia around 2350 B.C. Originally, it was more of a business deal than a romantic union, often arranged to forge alliances, consolidate power, and ensure inheritance.
Polygamy to Monogamy
Polygamy to Monogamy
Polygamy was common in ancient times for procreation and status. However, as societies evolved, monogamy became prevalent, influenced by the Greeks and Romans, and later solidified by Jewish and Christian teachings.
Dowries and Bridesprice
Dowries and Bridesprice
Dowries and bridesprices were integral to marriage in many cultures. A dowry, property or money brought by a bride, often determined her value and familial alliances, while bridesprice was compensation to her family.
Love Revolution
Love Revolution
The notion of marrying for love rather than duty began in the 18th century. Enlightenment thinkers and romantic literature started to challenge the traditional view of marriage as a mere economic arrangement.
Civil Marriage Emergence
Civil Marriage Emergence
As secularism rose, so did civil marriage. In the 19th century, countries started to separate church and state, allowing couples to legally marry without religious ceremonies, emphasizing individual rights and state authority in marital laws.
Marriage for Citizenship
Marriage for Citizenship
Historically, marriage has been a tool for securing citizenship and residency in foreign nations. This practice has been both a government policy for population control and a personal strategy for migration.
Same-Sex Marriage Progress
Same-Sex Marriage Progress
Same-sex marriage has ancient precedents but faced centuries of stigma. The 21st century marked a seismic shift, with the Netherlands becoming the first country to legalize it in 2001, signaling growing global acceptance. Mascot
Where did marriage originate?
Ancient Greece
Mesopotamia, 2350 B.C.
Medieval Europe