The Evolution of the Explicit Content Label

Where'd That 'Explicit' Tag Come From? 🤔
Where'd That 'Explicit' Tag Come From? 🤔
So, that 'explicit content' sticker you see? That's an '80s thing. But hey, tweaking tunes to keep them PG? We've been at it for ages, with the chill factor going up and down over time.
PMRC vs. Tunes 🎵
PMRC vs. Tunes 🎵
Back in '85, the PMRC squad wanted albums to come with ratings – kinda like movies. They even dropped a 'Filthy Fifteen' playlist, sparking huge convos about who gets to say what's cool to listen to.
Heads Up, Parents! 🚨
Heads Up, Parents! 🚨
So, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) came up with this cool 'Parental Advisory' label back in '85 to give you a heads-up on explicit tunes. It took a hot minute until 1990 for them to settle on that logo we all know now.
When 'Explicit' is Cool 😎
When 'Explicit' is Cool 😎
Turns out slapping an 'explicit' label on tunes might just make them hotter 🔥. It's like a rebel badge for some artists, fighting the 'shush' police! 🤘
Censorship Showdowns 😲
Censorship Showdowns 😲
Courtroom dramas, like when 2 Live Crew fought the law in '90 over some spicy lyrics, really pushed the limits of what's cool to say and paved the way for creatives everywhere.
Digital Age Hurdles 😅
Digital Age Hurdles 😅
So digital tunes took over & we've got iTunes & Spotify rockin' the 'explicit' tags. But y'know, making sure everyone slaps on labels right across the world? Still a bit of a head-scratcher!
The 'Explicit Content' Label Glow-Up
The 'Explicit Content' Label Glow-Up
That 'explicit content' sticker has come a long way, huh? 😎 Now artists drop songs in both the uncut and 'family-friendly' versions. It's all about juggling that art vibe with making bank and keeping it PG for some audiences. Mascot
When did 'explicit content' labeling originate?
Early 1990s
Late 1970s