Introduction to Robotics

Introduction to Robotics
Introduction to Robotics
Robotics integrates engineering, computer science, and mathematics to create machines mimicking human actions. The first robotic arm was invented in 1954, predating the moon landing by 15 years, illustrating early strides in automation.
Robot Sensory Systems
Robot Sensory Systems
Robots perceive the world through sensors, offering capabilities beyond human senses. For example, LIDAR sensors provide 360-degree vision, a feat impossible for humans without assistance, enhancing robots' spatial awareness and decision-making.
Advancements in AI
Advancements in AI
Artificial Intelligence fuels robotics, allowing for autonomous decisions. The AI in some robots can learn through neural networks, simulating human brain function. Remarkably, these networks can evolve to outperform their creators in specific tasks.
Robotics in Healthcare
Robotics in Healthcare
Robot-assisted surgery offers precision beyond human capability, reducing patient recovery time. The da Vinci Surgical System, a pioneering platform, has assisted in more than six million surgeries worldwide, showcasing robotics' transformative impact on medicine.
Swarm Robotics
Swarm Robotics
Swarm robotics draws inspiration from nature, emulating the collective behavior of organisms. These robotic swarms can accomplish complex tasks, from environmental monitoring to search and rescue operations, without central control.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical Considerations
With robotics' growth, ethical dilemmas arise. Autonomous weapons, for instance, challenge traditional warfare ethics. Additionally, job displacement by robots sparks debate on the future of human employment and income distribution.
The Future of Robotics
The Future of Robotics
Future robotics predict advancements in human augmentation, with exoskeletons aiding mobility-impaired individuals. NASA's Robonaut, a humanoid robot, may even pave the way for human-robot collaboration in space exploration.
Early Robot Humor
Early Robot Humor
In 1961, the first industrial robot, Unimate, once spilled hot coffee on an engineer as a prank! Mascot
What does robotics integrate?
Biology, chemistry, physics
Engineering, computer science, math
Literature, art, history