The Fascinating Journey of Electricity

Electricity: A Natural Phenomenon
Electricity: A Natural Phenomenon
Electricity exists naturally in various forms, from lightning storms to electric eels. Ancient Egyptians were aware of shocks from electric fish, referring to them as 'Thunderer of the Nile'.
Thales' Mysterious Amber Effect
Thales' Mysterious Amber Effect
Around 600 BCE, Thales of Miletus discovered that rubbing amber with fur created a magnetic attraction. This was the earliest recorded observation of static electricity.
Electricity's Invisible Force
Electricity's Invisible Force
William Gilbert coined 'electricus' in the 1600s, meaning 'like amber'. He distinguished between magnetism and the static electricity produced by rubbing objects.
Revolutionary Leyden Jar
Revolutionary Leyden Jar
The Leyden jar, invented in 1745, was the first device capable of storing and discharging electricity, effectively the earliest capacitor, launching many electrical experiments.
Volta's Pioneering Battery
Volta's Pioneering Battery
In 1800, Alessandro Volta created the Voltaic Pile, the first true battery. It used alternating discs of zinc and copper layered with brine-soaked cloth.
Faraday's Electromagnetic Discovery
Faraday's Electromagnetic Discovery
Michael Faraday's 1831 experiments showed that moving a magnet inside a coil of wire generates an electric current, a landmark discovery for generating electricity.
Tesla's Alternating Current
Tesla's Alternating Current
Nikola Tesla's work on the alternating current (AC) system in the late 19th century outmatched Thomas Edison's direct current (DC), revolutionizing electrical power distribution. Mascot
What did ancient Egyptians call electric fish?
River's Fire Starters
Thunderer of the Nile
Nile's Shocking Swimmers