Exploring Indonesia's Renewable Energy Landscape

Indonesia's Energy Potential
Indonesia's Energy Potential
Indonesia, a tropical archipelago, has immense potential for renewable energy, including geothermal, solar, wind, and bioenergy, due to its volcanic activity, high solar insolation, and abundant biomass resources.
Geothermal Energy Dominance
Geothermal Energy Dominance
Indonesia is a geothermal giant, ranking second worldwide in geothermal energy potential. It harnesses power from volcanic sources, aiming to achieve a geothermal capacity of 8 GW by 2030.
Solar Power Expansion
Solar Power Expansion
Despite its high solar potential, solar power remains underutilized. The government targets 6.5 GW of solar energy by 2025, focusing on remote areas and floating solar panels on reservoirs.
Wind Energy Challenges
Wind Energy Challenges
Wind energy in Indonesia faces topographical and meteorological challenges, limiting its development. However, small-scale projects and technological advances are making strides in selected regions.
Bioenergy and Biomass
Bioenergy and Biomass
Indonesia's abundant agricultural industry generates vast amounts of waste, which is used for bioenergy. The country aims to convert this waste into 9.2 GW of power by 2025.
Renewable Policy Framework
Renewable Policy Framework
Indonesia has implemented policies like feed-in tariffs and a renewable purchase obligation to bolster renewable energy development. These policies aim to attract investment and achieve a renewable energy mix of 23% by 2025.
Investing in Renewables
Investing in Renewables
Foreign investments in Indonesia's renewable sector are rising due to its market potential. Notably, the Tolo wind farm project and the Cirata floating solar PV project are significant milestones.
Earthquake Power Generation
Earthquake Power Generation
In Indonesia, researchers are exploring generating power from seismic activities, potentially turning earthquakes into a renewable energy source.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What ranks Indonesia second worldwide?
Solar power capacity
Geothermal energy potential
Bioenergy production