The Evolution of Stanford University: From Founding to Silicon Valley

Stanford's Founding History
Stanford's Founding History
Established in 1885 by Leland Stanford, a tycoon and former California Governor, and his wife, Jane, Stanford University was created to honor their only child, Leland Jr., who died of typhoid fever at 15.
Unique Nonsectarian Policy
Unique Nonsectarian Policy
Unlike many institutions of its time, Stanford was nonsectarian, admitting students regardless of religious affiliation. This policy was relatively progressive for a 19th-century American university.
The Stanford Tree Mystery
The Stanford Tree Mystery
Stanford’s unofficial mascot, the Stanford Tree, represents El Palo Alto, a historic tree in Palo Alto. Its whimsical design changes yearly and is a creation of the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band.
Stanford's Land Grant
Stanford's Land Grant
The Stanfords donated their Palo Alto stock farm to establish the university. This 8,180-acre land grant makes Stanford's campus one of the largest in the US, and it initially operated as a coeducational and non-denominational institution.
Stanford's Academic Innovations
Stanford's Academic Innovations
Stanford pioneered the 'Stanford Plan' educational model, blending liberal arts and professional education. This holistic approach aimed to foster personal development alongside academic excellence.
Silicon Valley's Birthplace
Silicon Valley's Birthplace
Stanford is instrumental in Silicon Valley’s development, with faculty and graduates founding tech giants like Google, Hewlett-Packard, and Cisco. The university's emphasis on innovation has spurred global technological advancement.
A Leader in Sustainability
A Leader in Sustainability
Stanford’s commitment to sustainability is profound. Its Energy System Innovations project dramatically reduced campus greenhouse gas emissions, showcasing Stanford’s leadership in environmental stewardship within higher education.
Stanford's Time Capsule
Stanford's Time Capsule
In 1983, Stanford buried a time capsule to be opened in 2383, containing student predictions about technology and society. Mascot
Who established Stanford University?
Leland Jr. and Jane Stanford
Leland and Jane Stanford
Governor of California in 1885