Weather Forecasting: From Ancient Methods to AI

Weather Forecasting Evolution
Weather Forecasting Evolution
Weather prediction dates back to ancient civilizations using persistent patterns. Today, supercomputers, satellites, and sophisticated algorithms have revolutionized forecasting, enabling precise predictions days in advance.
Synoptic Weather Analysis
Synoptic Weather Analysis
Synoptic meteorology, analyzing weather data over a wide area, predicts future states. It involves meticulous charting of atmospheric pressures, winds, and temperatures at different altitudes.
Numerical Weather Prediction
Numerical Weather Prediction
Numerical models simulate the atmosphere using mathematical equations. These models require vast amounts of data and immense computational power, improving consistently with advancements in technology.
Radiosondes Unveil Mysteries
Radiosondes Unveil Mysteries
Radiosondes are balloon-borne instruments measuring atmospheric parameters. Sent twice daily worldwide, they provide high-altitude data essential for weather models, often filling gaps where ground observations are scarce.
Doppler Radar Advancements
Doppler Radar Advancements
Doppler radar detects precipitation intensity, movement, and potential storm development. Its ability to observe wind velocity revolutionized severe weather prediction, particularly in tracking tornadoes.
Satellites - Eyes in Sky
Satellites - Eyes in Sky
Geostationary satellites continuously monitor Earth's weather, climate, and environment. They provide high-resolution imagery, critical for tracking hurricanes, volcanic ash dispersion, and large-scale climate phenomena like El Niño.
AI Predicts Weather Patterns
AI Predicts Weather Patterns
Artificial intelligence, especially machine learning, is a frontier in meteorology. AI can discern complex patterns in historical data, potentially predicting weather changes more accurately than traditional models.
Predictive Animals
Predictive Animals
Sharks change depth to avoid storms, acting as natural weather predictors. Mascot
What revolutionized weather forecasting?
Ancient civilization methods
Supercomputers and algorithms
Traditional weather folklore