Understanding Volcanic Gas Emissions and Their Impacts

Lava: Earth's Fiery Polluter
Lava: Earth's Fiery Polluter
Lava, when it erupts, releases various gases trapped within the Earth's mantle. These gases were once dissolved in the magma and include volatile compounds such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.
Gas Escape during Eruptions
Gas Escape during Eruptions
As magma rises, pressure decreases, allowing gases to exsolve, or separate, from the molten rock. This process creates bubbles that expand and can cause explosive volcanic eruptions, propelling gases into the atmosphere.
Sulfur Dioxide's Global Impact
Sulfur Dioxide's Global Impact
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a major volcanic gas which can form aerosols, reflecting sunlight and causing global cooling. Famous instances include the eruptions of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 and Krakatoa in 1883.
Volcanic Smog: VOG
Volcanic Smog: VOG
When volcanic gases mix with moisture and sunlight, they create 'vog', or volcanic smog. This hazy air pollution can cause health problems and damage to crops and infrastructure.
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide (CO2), but it's a minor amount compared to human sources. Annually, volcanoes release less than 1% of the CO2 that human activities do.
Fluorine Gas and Wildlife
Fluorine Gas and Wildlife
Lava can release fluorine gas, which can settle on vegetation. When animals graze on contaminated foliage, they can suffer from fluorosis, leading to serious health complications and even death.
Mitigating Gas Hazards
Mitigating Gas Hazards
Modern technology allows for the monitoring of volcanic gas emissions. Sensors and satellites help predict eruptions and issue warnings, enabling timely evacuations and reducing the impact on human health.
Ancient Eruptions' Ice Age Link
Ancient Eruptions' Ice Age Link
Massive ancient volcanic eruptions are believed to have triggered ice ages by releasing enough sulfur dioxide to cool the Earth’s surface significantly.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What does lava release upon eruption?
Only water vapor and ash
Gases including CO2 and sulfur dioxide
Pure carbon dioxide gas