Understanding Earthquakes: Causes to Consequences

What Causes Earthquakes?
What Causes Earthquakes?
Earthquakes are caused by sudden tectonic movements in the Earth's crust. The energy released during this process can create seismic waves, which we feel as shaking ground.
Predicting Earthquakes: Impossible?
Predicting Earthquakes: Impossible?
Despite advances in technology, accurately predicting earthquakes remains elusive. Small tremors may indicate a larger event, but timing and location predictions are still unreliable.
Deepest Earthquake Recorded
Deepest Earthquake Recorded
The deepest earthquake ever recorded was a magnitude 8.3 in 2013, originating 609 km beneath the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia. Deep-focus quakes occur in subducting plates.
Earthquake Lights Mystery
Earthquake Lights Mystery
Before or during an earthquake, mysterious lights can appear in the sky. Scientists hypothesize these are related to electrical charges from rock fracturing underground.
Ancient Quake Detection
Ancient Quake Detection
The first earthquake detector was invented in 132 AD by Chinese polymath Zhang Heng. It could indicate the direction of an earthquake hundreds of miles away.
Largest Recorded Earthquake
Largest Recorded Earthquake
The 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile is the most powerful recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. It triggered tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
Earthquakes Reshape Ecosystems
Earthquakes Reshape Ecosystems
Significant earthquakes can lead to new river paths, mountains, and ecosystems. The 2010 Haiti earthquake raised the sea floor by 3 meters.
Moonquakes on the Moon?
Moonquakes on the Moon?
The Moon experiences 'moonquakes' due to tidal forces from Earth, some reaching magnitudes of 5.5—strong enough to cause structural damage on Earth.
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What triggers earthquakes?
Sudden atmospheric changes
Tectonic movements in crust
Oceanic wave patterns