Introduction to Megafauna

Introduction to Megafauna
Introduction to Megafauna
The term 'megafauna' describes large animals that roamed Earth during the Ice Age. These creatures, often mammoth-sized, thrived in cold environments until their mysterious extinction.
Mammoths: Woolly Giants
Mammoths: Woolly Giants
Woolly mammoths were emblematic Ice Age giants, adapted to the cold with thick fur and humps of fat. Surprisingly, some isolated populations survived until just 4,000 years ago.
Saber-toothed Predators
Saber-toothed Predators
Saber-toothed cats, like Smilodon, had elongated canine teeth for hunting. Their social behavior and hunting tactics are still subjects of fascinating paleontological research and debate.
Glyptodons: Armored Ancestors
Glyptodons: Armored Ancestors
Glyptodons, armadillo-like creatures, bore a bony shell and weighed as much as a small car. They were actually distant relatives to modern armadillos, a surprising lineage connection.
Megafaunal Mingle
Megafaunal Mingle
Ice Age megafauna coexisted with early humans. This relationship played a significant role in the megafauna's extinction, with evidence of hunting and habitat changes.
Climate Change Impact
Climate Change Impact
The end of the Ice Age brought significant climate change, which altered habitats drastically. This, coupled with human activity, likely contributed to the mass extinction of these colossal species.
Extinction Mysteries Unraveled
Extinction Mysteries Unraveled
Recent DNA analysis has shed light on the extinction timelines of megafauna, revealing a more complex picture. This includes differing regional extinction patterns and the role of ecological niches. Mascot
What defines 'megafauna'?
Creatures from the Ice Age
Large animals of the Ice Age
All extinct giant animals