Exploring the T-Rex: From Physical Traits to Extinction Theories

T-Rex Introduction
T-Rex Introduction
The Tyrannosaurus rex, commonly abbreviated as T-rex, was a giant carnivore that lived approximately 68 to 66 million years ago during the late Cretaceous Period.
Physical Formidability
Physical Formidability
With a massive body of up to 40 feet long and a weight of 9 tons, the T-rex had robust hind limbs but disproportionately small arms, ending in two-fingered hands.
Predator or Scavenger?
Predator or Scavenger?
Debate exists about T-rex's role as a predator versus a scavenger. Evidence suggests it likely adopted both behaviors, based on opportunity and necessity.
Bite Force Revelation
Bite Force Revelation
T-rex had the strongest bite force among all terrestrial animals, with recent estimates suggesting a bite force of around 8,000 pounds per square inch.
Sensory Perception
Sensory Perception
T-rex had binocular vision, providing depth perception crucial for hunting. Its olfactory bulbs were highly developed, indicating a strong sense of smell.
Feathered Controversy
Feathered Controversy
Recent discoveries suggest some dinosaurs had feathers. While debated, it's possible juvenile T-rexes had a downy coat, losing feathers as they matured.
Extinction Mystery
Extinction Mystery
The exact cause of the T-rex's extinction remains uncertain, but the leading theory involves a catastrophic asteroid impact, causing rapid environmental changes.
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When did T-rex exist?
Late Jurassic Period
Late Cretaceous Period
Early Triassic Period