Exploring the Mysteries of Rainbows

What Creates a Rainbow?
What Creates a Rainbow?
Rainbows form when sunlight is refracted, dispersed, and reflected inside water droplets in the atmosphere. This process splits light into various colors, creating a circular arc visible from certain angles.
Rainbow's Colorful Sequence
Rainbow's Colorful Sequence
A rainbow's colors always appear in a specific order due to consistent light refraction angles. Red sits on the outer edge while violet is on the inner, following the ROYGBIV sequence.
Beyond the Visible Spectrum
Beyond the Visible Spectrum
Rainbows actually extend beyond the visible spectrum. Infrared and ultraviolet rays are present but not detected by the human eye. Some animals, however, can see these additional bands of colors.
Double Rainbow Phenomenon
Double Rainbow Phenomenon
Double rainbows occur when sunlight is reflected twice inside water droplets. The secondary rainbow appears fainter, with colors reversed. This rare sight is a stunning spectacle of atmospheric optics.
Rainbows Are Full Circles
Rainbows Are Full Circles
Although typically seen as arcs, rainbows are full circles. The ground usually obscures the bottom half, but from high altitudes like an airplane, one can sometimes witness the full circular glory.
Alexander's Dark Band
Alexander's Dark Band
Between primary and secondary rainbows lies a dark region known as Alexander's band. This area appears dimmer because raindrops here fail to direct light towards the observer's eye.
Rainbows and Culture
Rainbows and Culture
Rainbows have inspired countless myths and legends. In many cultures, they've symbolized hope, promise, or bridges between realms. Today, they also represent diversity and inclusion, notably in the LGBTQ+ community flag.
Upside-Down Rainbows
Upside-Down Rainbows
Circumzenithal arcs, or 'smile' rainbows, occur high in the sky and appear upside-down due to sunlight refracting through ice crystals in cirrus clouds.
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What causes a rainbow to form?
Sunlight reflecting off mountains
Sunlight refracted in water droplets
Moonlight passing through ice crystals