Earth's Dynamic Inner Workings

Earth's Dynamic Inner Workings
Earth's Dynamic Inner Workings
Geophysical processes encompass the physical phenomena beneath Earth's surface. The planet's inner heat engine drives plate tectonics, resulting in volcanic activity, earthquakes, and mountain formation.
Magnetic Field Reversals
Magnetic Field Reversals
Earth's magnetic field has reversed multiple times throughout history. The last reversal occurred 780,000 years ago. These events are recorded in volcanic rocks, allowing scientists to map the planet's magnetic history.
Mantle Convection Mysteries
Mantle Convection Mysteries
Mantle convection is less understood due to its inaccessible location. Seismic waves provide clues, revealing giant mantle plumes and convection cells that influence surface geology.
Ice Ages' Geophysical Impact
Ice Ages' Geophysical Impact
Ice ages reshape landscapes through glacial movements. The pressure exerted by kilometers-thick ice sheets can depress Earth's crust, a process known as isostatic depression.
Earth's Rhythmic Pulsations
Earth's Rhythmic Pulsations
Earth's core generates a phenomenon known as geomagnetic jerks. These abrupt changes in the planet's magnetic field intensity occur roughly every decade and remain a geophysical enigma.
Ocean Floor Spreading
Ocean Floor Spreading
The discovery of symmetric magnetic stripes on the ocean floor provided evidence for plate tectonics. These stripes indicate periodic reversals of Earth's magnetic field as new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges.
Predicting Earthquakes
Predicting Earthquakes
While predicting earthquakes remains challenging, geophysical research has led to the development of early warning systems using the speed differential between seismic waves, giving precious seconds to take cover.
Pizzas and Plate Tectonics
Pizzas and Plate Tectonics
The Eurasian plate moves at the same rate your fingernails grow—about the speed of pizza dough rising! Mascot
What drives Earth's plate tectonics?
Earth's inner heat engine
Glacial movements on surface
Ocean floor spreading only