Discovering the Unseen: Secrets of Ocean Depths

Ocean Exploration Overview
Ocean Exploration Overview
Over 80% of the ocean remains unexplored and unseen by human eyes. The vast underwater landscape holds more secrets than we have discovered on the surface of the Moon.
Deepest Point on Earth
Deepest Point on Earth
The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans, plunging down to about 36,070 feet. It's deeper than Mount Everest is tall, showcasing extreme environmental conditions.
The Brine Pool Enigma
The Brine Pool Enigma
Underwater 'lakes' known as brine pools have super salty water that doesn't mix with the surrounding sea. They create unique ecosystems with specialized life forms on the sea floor.
Ocean's Carbon Sink Role
Ocean's Carbon Sink Role
The ocean absorbs approximately 25% of the CO2 emitted by human activity. These 'blue carbon' habitats play a critical role in fighting climate change, yet their capacity is waning.
Hidden Underwater Mountains
Hidden Underwater Mountains
The ocean hides vast mountain ranges, including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is the longest mountain range on Earth, spanning 40,000 miles and mostly submerged underwater.
Vast Oceanic Desert Zones
Vast Oceanic Desert Zones
Massive regions of the ocean, like the Sargasso Sea, have minimal marine life and are considered oceanic deserts. Despite scarce nutrients, they're essential for global marine ecology.
Ocean Noise Pollution Effects
Ocean Noise Pollution Effects
Ocean noise pollution from ships and industrial activities disrupts marine life communication, navigation, and can lead to stress, disorientation, and even strandings of marine animals.
Immortal Jellyfish
Immortal Jellyfish
Turritopsis dohrnii, a small jellyfish, can revert to its juvenile form after maturing, potentially living forever under the right conditions. Mascot
What percentage of the ocean is unexplored?
Above 80%
Around 50%
Less than 25%