Dinosaurs: An Overview

Dinosaurs: An Overview
Dinosaurs: An Overview
Dinosaurs, a diverse group of reptiles, dominated Earth's terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years. Contrary to popular belief, not all dinosaurs were giants; some were as small as chickens.
Feathers and Dinosaurs
Feathers and Dinosaurs
Recent fossil discoveries confirm that feathers were not exclusive to birds. Many dinosaurs, including the fierce Velociraptor, likely sported feathers, suggesting a complex evolution of plumage.
Dinosaur Growth Rings
Dinosaur Growth Rings
Like trees, some dinosaur fossils show growth rings in their bones, indicating seasonal changes. These rings can reveal the dinosaur's age at death and how fast it grew.
Diverse Dinosaur Diets
Diverse Dinosaur Diets
Dinosaur diets were as varied as their sizes. From the plant-eating giant Brachiosaurus to the meat-craving Tyrannosaurus rex, each species had specialized teeth for their preferred diet.
Dinosaur Vocalization Mysteries
Dinosaur Vocalization Mysteries
Without living specimens, it's difficult to determine how dinosaurs communicated. However, the structure of their skulls suggests that some could produce complex sounds, perhaps even calls we might consider melodic.
Continents' Role in Evolution
Continents' Role in Evolution
Pangaea's breakup influenced dinosaur evolution. Isolation on separate continents allowed for diverse species development, leading to unique dinosaur communities across the ancient world.
Dinosaur Extinction Theories
Dinosaur Extinction Theories
While the asteroid impact theory is widely known, other hypotheses for dinosaur extinction include volcanic activity, climate change, and disease. Multiple factors likely contributed to the end of the dinosaur era.
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How long did dinosaurs dominate terrestrial ecosystems?
Over 160 million years
Exactly 160 million years
Less than 100 million years