Dinosaurs: An Introduction

Dinosaurs: An Introduction
Dinosaurs: An Introduction
Dinosaurs, meaning 'terrible lizards', dominated Earth's terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years. They first appeared during the Triassic period, around 243 to 233 million years ago, predating even the earliest flowers.
Varied Dinosaur Diets
Varied Dinosaur Diets
Dinosaurs' diets were as varied as their species. Some, like the Sauropods, were herbivores with long necks for reaching high foliage. Others, such as the fierce Tyrannosaurus rex, were apex predators, hunting other dinosaurs.
Birds: Living Dinosaurs
Birds: Living Dinosaurs
Birds are dinosaurs' direct descendants. The Archaeopteryx, a transitional species with both avian and dinosaur characteristics, provides compelling evidence of this evolutionary link, showcasing the deep ancestry birds share with these ancient reptiles.
Dinosaur Extinction Mystery
Dinosaur Extinction Mystery
The Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, 66 million years ago, wiped out nearly all dinosaurs. A leading theory suggests a massive asteroid impact caused climatic changes too extreme for dinosaurs to survive, paving the way for mammalian dominance.
Dinosaur Colors Discovered
Dinosaur Colors Discovered
Recent technology, examining microscopic structures in fossilized feathers, has revealed some dinosaurs' true colors. Studies suggest the Sinosauropteryx had orange-and-white striped tail feathers, challenging the monochromatic portrayals in early reconstructions and media.
Gigantic Dinosaur Footprints
Gigantic Dinosaur Footprints
In 2016, one of the largest dinosaur footprints was discovered in Mongolia's Gobi Desert. Measuring 106 centimeters, it belonged to a Titanosaur, a group of long-necked sauropods known for their enormous size.
Dinosaurs' Social Behavior
Dinosaurs' Social Behavior
Evidence suggests that some dinosaurs, like Velociraptors and Triceratops, exhibited complex social behavior. They may have hunted in packs or formed protective herds, indicating a level of intelligence and cooperation.
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When did dinosaurs first appear?
During Cretaceous period
After the earliest flowers
Triassic period, 243-233 million years ago