The Influence of Continental Drift on Dinosaur Evolution

Continental Drift Theory
Continental Drift Theory
In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed continental drift, asserting that Earth's continents once formed a single landmass, Pangaea, before breaking apart and drifting to their current locations, influencing dinosaur evolution and distribution.
Pangaea and Dinosaur Origin
Pangaea and Dinosaur Origin
Most dinosaurs originated during the late Triassic period when Pangaea was intact. This supercontinent's uniform climate and connected land facilitated widespread dinosaur dispersal, which led to their dominance.
Jurassic Period Separation
Jurassic Period Separation
As the Jurassic period commenced, Pangaea began to rift apart forming the northern Laurasia and the southern Gondwana. This geographic segregation initiated divergent evolutionary paths for northern and southern dinosaur species.
Cretaceous Dinosaur Diversity
Cretaceous Dinosaur Diversity
By the Cretaceous, continents had further separated, creating distinct habitats and climates. This isolation led to evolutionary radiations producing region-specific dinosaurs, like the North American Tyrannosaurus and Asian Velociraptor.
Volcanism and Extinction
Volcanism and Extinction
Massive volcanic eruptions in the late Cretaceous, particularly in the Deccan Traps of India, contributed to environmental changes that, alongside the asteroid impact, precipitated the mass extinction of dinosaurs.
Fossil Evidence and Tech
Fossil Evidence and Tech
Modern paleontological techniques, like CT scans and isotopic analysis, have unearthed unexpected details about dinosaurs, from their migratory patterns to distinct regional species that evolved due to continental drift.
Paleogeography's Future Insights
Paleogeography's Future Insights
Ongoing research into ancient DNA and plate tectonics promises to reveal more about dinosaur biogeography, potentially uncovering unknown migration routes and species that thrived on prehistoric Earth's shifting landscapes. Mascot
Who proposed the continental drift theory?
Charles Darwin
Alfred Wegener
Isaac Newton