Pottery: An Ancient Craft to Modern Art

Pottery: An Ancient Craft
Pottery: An Ancient Craft
Pottery dates back to 24,000 BC, where figurines were made from clay and fired in kilns partially dug into the ground. This ancient craft has evolved into both functional and artistic forms.
Choosing the Right Clay
Choosing the Right Clay
Clay types matter immensely. Earthenware is porous and good for beginners, while stoneware is non-porous and more durable. Porcelain, with its fine grain, demands precision, making it a challenge for experts.
Wedging: Preparing the Clay
Wedging: Preparing the Clay
Wedging is akin to kneading dough, vital for removing air bubbles and ensuring uniform consistency. This process can prevent a pot from cracking or exploding during firing, saving your work.
Wheel Throwing Techniques
Wheel Throwing Techniques
Centering the clay on the wheel is crucial; uneven clay leads to wobbly pots. Mastering wheel speed and hand coordination is key. The 'pulling' technique shapes the walls, a delicate balance of pressure.
Hand-Building Pots
Hand-Building Pots
Beyond the wheel, pottery can be hand-built using techniques like coiling and slab construction. This approach predates the wheel and allows for unique, organic shapes not easily achieved otherwise.
Drying and Bisque Firing
Drying and Bisque Firing
After shaping, pots must be bone dry before bisque firing, which occurs at around 1800°F. This first firing transforms the pot from clay to ceramic, making it stronger and ready for glazing.
Glazing and Final Firing
Glazing and Final Firing
Glazing not only decorates the pot but also seals it. The final firing, reaching up to 2300°F, melts the glaze and vitrifies the pot. Surprisingly, glaze colors often transform dramatically during this process.
Ancient Pottery Explosions
Ancient Pottery Explosions
Did you know? Ancient pots sometimes exploded due to trapped air bubbles, causing deadly shrapnel. Pottery was both an art and a dangerous craft!
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When did pottery first appear?
Around 24,000 BC
10,000 years ago
In the Bronze Age