Origami: The Art of Paper Folding

Origami History Briefly
Origami History Briefly
Origami, from 'oru' (to fold) and 'kami' (paper), is a traditional Japanese art form. It dates back to the 17th century and was popularized outside Japan in the mid-1900s.
Choosing the Right Paper
Choosing the Right Paper
Select a square sheet of paper. Traditional origami paper, known as 'washi,' is preferred for its texture and durability but any thin paper will work.
Basic Folds Overview
Basic Folds Overview
Understand fundamental folds like valley and mountain folds, squash folds, petal folds, and reverse folds. These techniques are essential for complex models.
Bird Base Formation
Bird Base Formation
The bird base is a crucial precursor to the origami bird. It's formed by folding a square base and then executing a petal fold on each side.
Creating the Bird Shape
Creating the Bird Shape
From the bird base, form the bird's head by making an inside reverse fold. Similarly, shape the tail. Flatten and shape the wings by folding them outward.
Adding Fine Details
Adding Fine Details
Add detail by creating small folds for the bird's beak and tail feathers. Such intricate touches enhance the bird's realism and character.
Origami and Mathematics
Origami and Mathematics
Origami is not just art; it's also mathematical. It involves geometric concepts, and understanding these can lead to more advanced folding techniques.
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When did Origami originate?
17th century Japan
19th century China
18th century Korea