Fundamentals of Network Security

Network Security Overview
Network Security Overview
Network security involves protecting data during transmission and ensuring reliable and secure connections. It's not just safeguarding data, but also ensuring the integrity of the infrastructure against attacks like DDoS.
Encryption: Data's Shield
Encryption: Data's Shield
Encryption transforms readable data into a coded form, preventing unauthorized access. Modern encryption uses algorithms like AES-256, which, theoretically, cannot be brute-forced with current technology.
Firewalls: The Gatekeepers
Firewalls: The Gatekeepers
Firewalls filter incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules. Beyond simple filters, next-generation firewalls integrate intrusion prevention systems and deep packet inspection.
Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems
IDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and known threats, sending alerts for potential breaches. Unlike firewalls, IDS doesn't block traffic, serving as a surveillance system.
Secure Network Architecture
Secure Network Architecture
A well-designed network architecture includes segmented subnetworks, reducing the 'blast radius' of potential breaches. This design limits access to sensitive data, using techniques like VLANs and network access control.
Zero Trust Security Model
Zero Trust Security Model
The Zero Trust model assumes no trust among users and devices inside or outside the network. It requires strict identity verification, minimizing lateral movement during a breach. It's not a technology, but a strategic approach.
Emerging Threats: Quantum Computing
Emerging Threats: Quantum Computing
Quantum computing poses a futuristic threat to current encryption standards, potentially breaking them with ease. Post-quantum cryptography is being developed to counter this, ensuring future security. Mascot
What does network security ensure?
Only data safeguarding
Data transmission protection
Prevents all cyber attacks