Mastering the @ Sign on Keyboards

Introduction to @ Sign
Introduction to @ Sign
The '@' sign, also known as the 'at' symbol, is essential for email addresses. Its usage has expanded across social media and coding, becoming a key element in digital communication.
Accessing @ on Vostro
Accessing @ on Vostro
On a Dell Vostro 3560, the '@' sign is typically accessed with a combination of keys. It's often on the '2' key, requiring a 'Shift' press to reach it.
Using the Keyboard
Using the Keyboard
To type '@' on a Dell Vostro 3560, hold down the 'Shift' key and press the '2' key. This is the common layout for US keyboards.
Alternate Key Combinations
Alternate Key Combinations
In other keyboard layouts, '@' might require different keys. For example, on a UK keyboard, you'd press 'Shift' and the apostrophe key.
Numeric Keypad Method
Numeric Keypad Method
If the standard keys don't work, try the numeric keypad. Hold 'Alt', type '64' on the keypad, then release 'Alt' to get '@'.
Troubleshooting Tips
Troubleshooting Tips
If you can't type '@', check your keyboard settings. Ensure you're using the correct layout (US, UK, etc.) in your operating system's language settings.
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Makes Perfect
Familiarize yourself with the '@' sign placement on your keyboard. Practice typing it until it becomes second nature, improving your typing efficiency. Mascot
What is '@' also called?
Hashtag symbol
At symbol
Dollar sign