The Marvels of the Human Brain

The Brain's Protective Shield
The Brain's Protective Shield
Our brain is safeguarded by the blood-brain barrier, a semi-permeable border that prevents harmful substances from entering while allowing essential nutrients to pass through.
Neurons: Communication Champions
Neurons: Communication Champions
Each human brain consists of approximately 86 billion neurons. These cells communicate via synapses, with one neuron connecting to 10,000 others, creating a complex network.
Brain's Fat Percentage
Brain's Fat Percentage
Surprisingly, the brain is the fattiest organ, consisting of about 60% fat. This high fat content is crucial for insulation and improves the speed of neural communication.
Uninterrupted Blood Supply
Uninterrupted Blood Supply
Your brain never takes a break; it requires an uninterrupted blood supply. About 20% of the blood and oxygen your heart pumps goes directly to your brain.
Cerebral Cortical Colors
Cerebral Cortical Colors
The brain's 'gray matter' is actually pinkish-gray in living brains and contains most of the brain's neuronal cell bodies. The 'white matter' is white due to myelinated fiber tracts.
Brain's Electrifying Power
Brain's Electrifying Power
The human brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity, which is enough to power a low-wattage LED light bulb.
Neurogenesis Lifelong Potential
Neurogenesis Lifelong Potential
Contrary to old beliefs, our brains can grow new neurons through a process called neurogenesis, primarily in the hippocampus, well into adulthood.
Brain's Hidden Taste Receptors
Brain's Hidden Taste Receptors
Your brain has taste receptors similar to those on your tongue, helping regulate foods and nutrients entering your brain. Mascot
What shields the brain from harm?
Skull and vertebrae
Blood-brain barrier
Cerebral fluid only