Introduction to Bird Migration

Introduction to Bird Migration
Introduction to Bird Migration
Bird migration is a natural marvel, with billions of birds traveling annually. It's vital for survival, allowing species to exploit seasonal resources and breed effectively.
Why Birds Migrate
Why Birds Migrate
Migration allows birds to avoid harsh climates and find abundant food. It's driven by survival instincts, with routes sometimes spanning continents and oceans.
Incredible Navigation Skills
Incredible Navigation Skills
Birds use the sun, stars, Earth's magnetic field, and mental maps for navigation. Some, like the Arctic tern, journey 25,000 miles annually, the longest migration of any animal.
Varied Migration Patterns
Varied Migration Patterns
Patterns vary widely; some birds migrate at night, others by day. Altitudes differ too, with the bar-headed goose flying over the Himalayas at nearly 30,000 feet.
Conservation Challenges
Conservation Challenges
Migration faces threats from habitat loss, climate change, and skyscrapers. Conservationists use bird banding and satellite tracking to aid in species protection efforts.
Unusual Migratory Behaviors
Unusual Migratory Behaviors
Not all migrations are long-distance. The altitudinal migration sees birds moving up and down mountains, like the New Guinea's Ribbon-tailed Astrapia.
Impact of Climate Change
Impact of Climate Change
Climate change is altering migration timing and destinations, disrupting ecological balances. Studies show birds are arriving earlier and may struggle to find food and nesting sites. Mascot
What is bird migration's primary purpose?
Tourist attraction
Survival and breeding
Climate enjoyment