Creating Havens for Pollinators

Pollinators: Biodiversity Champions
Pollinators: Biodiversity Champions
Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and birds, support plant reproduction. A single bee colony can pollinate up to 300 million flowers in a day, ensuring diversity in our diets and ecosystems.
Gardens as Pollinator Havens
Gardens as Pollinator Havens
Urbanization threatens pollinator habitats. Gardens can counteract this by providing food and shelter. Designing a garden with a variety of plants that bloom throughout the year supports a range of pollinator species.
Native Plants Matter
Native Plants Matter
Native plants are four times more attractive to local pollinators than non-natives. They have co-evolved with local pollinator species, offering the most suitable nectar and pollen, and they require fewer resources to maintain.
Avoid Chemical Warfare
Avoid Chemical Warfare
Pesticides, even those labeled 'organic', can be harmful to pollinators. Opting for natural pest control methods, like companion planting and encouraging predatory insects, can reduce the need for chemicals.
Pollinator Nesting Sites
Pollinator Nesting Sites
Over 70% of bees nest underground. Leaving patches of bare soil, and providing wood piles or bee hotels, can offer vital nesting sites. This encourages pollinators to take up residence in your garden.
Nighttime Pollinators
Nighttime Pollinators
Not all pollinators are diurnal. Moths and bats pollinate at night; having night-blooming flowers like evening primrose or yucca can attract these nocturnal allies and enhance pollination success.
Water for Pollinator Health
Water for Pollinator Health
Pollinators need water. A shallow water source with landing spots, like a bird bath with stones, can provide hydration without the risk of drowning, supporting the vitality of these essential creatures.
Bee's Brain Power
Bee's Brain Power
Honeybees can recognize human faces, a skill comparable to primates’ facial recognition abilities, demonstrating their incredible neural processing power. Mascot
What supports plant reproduction?
Bird baths with stones
Pollinators like bees, birds
Pesticides labeled organic