Exploring the World of Cider: A Cultural and Historical Journey

Cider's Ancient Origins
Cider's Ancient Origins
Cider production dates back to pre-Roman times. Early Europeans fermented apples and other fruits well before the art of brewing beer was perfected. Ancient cider-making techniques were often rustic and varied greatly by region.
English Cider Heritage
English Cider Heritage
In England, cider has been a staple since the Middle Ages. West Country, particularly Herefordshire and Somerset, is renowned for traditional ciders. Varieties like the bittersweet Kingston Black have deep roots in these rural landscapes.
Basque Country Sagardo
Basque Country Sagardo
The Basque Country in Spain has a unique cider, 'Sagardo'. Traditionally, it's less sweet, slightly sour, and still (non-carbonated). Enjoyed in cider houses called 'Sagardotegi', it is poured from height to aerate and enhance the flavor.
French Cidre Techniques
French Cidre Techniques
French 'cidre' from Normandy and Brittany often involves keeving, a process that retains sweetness without pasteurization or artificial sweeteners. The result is a naturally sweet, sparkling cider that pairs delightfully with crepes and galettes.
American Cider Revival
American Cider Revival
Prohibition nearly ended American cider-making. However, a revival has taken place, with craft ciders gaining popularity. Modern American ciders are innovating with hops, barrel-aging, and unique apple varieties, creating a diverse and vibrant cider culture.
Ice Cider Innovation
Ice Cider Innovation
Canada's Quebec region has pioneered 'ice cider' or 'cidre de glace'. Apples are left to freeze on the tree or outside, concentrating their sugars. The resulting cider is intensely sweet and complex, akin to ice wine.
Australian Cider Scene
Australian Cider Scene
Australia's cider scene is young but rapidly growing. Influenced by English traditions and local innovation, Australians use both European and heritage apple varieties, creating ciders that range from classic to contemporary with a unique Southern Hemisphere twist.
Medieval Cider-Preserving Trick
Medieval Cider-Preserving Trick
In medieval times, cider was often stored in barrels underwater to keep it cool and prevent spoilage, a technique known as 'cider sinking'.
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When did cider production originate?
During Roman Empire
Pre-Roman times
Middle Ages