The Journey from Coffee Cherry to Cup: Processing Techniques

Where Did Coffee Come From?
Where Did Coffee Come From?
Get this: the ancient Oromo folks in Ethiopia were the first to get a buzz from coffee plants. They'd actually munch on the beans for a kick! ☕🌿
From Cherry to Coffee Bean 🍒☕
From Cherry to Coffee Bean 🍒☕
That little coffee bean is actually a seed hangin' out inside a fruit that's kinda like a cherry. To get to the good stuff, we gotta strip away the fruity bits and gooey mucilage until we hit the jackpot: the green bean!
Let's Talk Wet Processing!
Let's Talk Wet Processing!
So, wet processing, a.k.a the washed method, is like giving coffee cherries a bath 🛁 to ferment them and wash away the fruity bits. What you get is this super clean taste with a nice, zingy fruit-acid kick. Yum! 😋
Chillin' with Dry Processed Coffee ☀️
Chillin' with Dry Processed Coffee ☀️
So, we're talking about dry or natural processing, right? It's all about letting those coffee cherries sunbathe to get their tan on. This cool method pumps up the sweetness and gives the coffee a fuller body, kinda like a fine wine vibe. 🍷
Sweet Spot with Honey Processing 🍯
Sweet Spot with Honey Processing 🍯
Ever heard of honey processing? It's kinda like the best of both worlds - leaving a bit of that sticky stuff (mucilage) on the coffee beans gets them drying with a nice sweetness and a chill vibe of acidity.
Playing with Fermentation ✨
Playing with Fermentation ✨
Cool coffee creators are mixing things up with controlled fermentation, tweaking time and heat to bring out rad flavors and craft some seriously unique coffee vibes that we've never tasted before! 😎
Coffee Goes Green 🌱
Coffee Goes Green 🌱
Coffee makers have a tough gig trying to keep things super efficient without harming our planet 🌍. Saving water and giving leftovers a second life are big deals in brewing up sustainable java.
Coffee's Animal Helpers 🐱
Coffee's Animal Helpers 🐱
Did you know some of the world's priciest coffee is made from beans digested by civet cats? It's called Kopi Luwak! Mascot
Who first valued coffee's energizing effects?
Oromo people's ancestors
Ancient Ethiopian monks
South American tribes