Unlocking the Secrets of Dark Matter

Mysterious Cosmic Ingredient
Mysterious Cosmic Ingredient
Dark matter is an unseen force that constitutes approximately 85% of the universe's mass. Its presence is inferred by its gravitational effects on visible matter and cosmic radiation.
Evidence Through Rotation Curves
Evidence Through Rotation Curves
Galaxies rotate with a velocity that suggests the presence of much more mass than can be seen. Dark matter explains why galaxies don’t spin apart, its gravity binds them.
Bullet Cluster Collision
Bullet Cluster Collision
The Bullet Cluster, a pair of collided galaxy clusters, provides evidence for dark matter through gravitational lensing, separating visible matter from dark matter during the collision.
Not Dark Energy
Not Dark Energy
Dark matter should not be confused with dark energy. Dark energy is a mysterious force driving the universe's accelerated expansion, while dark matter holds galaxies together.
Elusive Particle Candidates
Elusive Particle Candidates
WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) and axions are leading hypothetical particles that could constitute dark matter, but they have yet to be detected.
Searching with Experiments
Searching with Experiments
Experiments like LUX and Xenon1T use deep underground facilities and ultra-pure xenon to detect dark matter by shielding from cosmic rays and other background radiation.
Impact on Cosmic Evolution
Impact on Cosmic Evolution
Dark matter influenced the structure and distribution of galaxies in the universe. Its gravitational pull was crucial in the formation of cosmic web during the universe's evolution.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What constitutes universe's mass predominantly?
Cosmic radiation alone.
Dark matter's unseen force.
Visible matter solely.