Understanding Lunar Phases and Their Effects on Earth

Lunar Phases Explained
Lunar Phases Explained
The Moon's phases are a result of its orbit around Earth, reflecting varying amounts of sunlight. The primary phases include New, First Quarter, Full, and Last Quarter, each taking approximately 7.4 days to transition.
The Mysterious Moon Illusion
The Mysterious Moon Illusion
Ever noticed the Moon looks bigger near the horizon? It's an optical illusion. The Moon is not actually larger; our brains perceive it differently when framed by terrestrial objects like trees and buildings.
Tides and Lunar Pull
Tides and Lunar Pull
Tides are influenced by the gravitational pull of the Moon. High tides occur on the side of Earth facing the Moon and the opposite side simultaneously, due to the gravitational force and Earth's centrifugal force.
Tidal Ranges Vary
Tidal Ranges Vary
Not all tides are equal. Spring tides, with higher highs and lower lows, occur during Full and New Moons when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align. Neap tides, with the smallest variation, happen during Quarter Moons.
Lunar Cycle Synchronicity
Lunar Cycle Synchronicity
Some organisms' life cycles are synced with the lunar cycle. The Palolo worm, for example, times its reproductive swarming to the last quarter moon phase, facilitating fertilization maximization.
Moon's Axis Tilt Mystery
Moon's Axis Tilt Mystery
Unlike Earth's 23.5° tilt, the Moon's tilt is only about 1.5° relative to Earth's orbit. This slight tilt stabilizes its rotation and accounts for the consistent visibility of the same lunar surface, or the 'near side'.
Ancient Lunar Calendar
Ancient Lunar Calendar
Long before the solar calendar, humans used a lunar calendar based on the phases of the Moon to track time. Each lunation, a full cycle from one New Moon to the next, spans roughly 29.5 days.
Moonquakes: Surprising Seismic Activity
Moonquakes: Surprising Seismic Activity
The Moon experiences moonquakes. Some are caused by tidal stresses from Earth, and can last up to an hour, much longer than typical Earthquakes.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What initiates a lunar phase change?
Moon's rotation on its axis
Moon's orbit around Earth
Sun's movement across sky