Saturn's Fascinating Moons

Saturn's Numerous Moons
Saturn's Numerous Moons
Saturn has a staggering 83 moons, more than any other planet in our solar system. This immense number surpasses even Jupiter, which has 79 confirmed moons. These moons vary greatly in size and characteristics.
Tiny to Titan
Tiny to Titan
Saturn's moons range from tiny moonlets just a few kilometers across to Titan, the second-largest moon in the solar system. Titan is even bigger than the planet Mercury and has a thick atmosphere rich in nitrogen.
Icy Enceladus' Surprising Geysers
Icy Enceladus' Surprising Geysers
Enceladus, one of Saturn's mid-sized moons, is famous for its icy geysers. These geysers eject water vapor and organic molecules, suggesting that Enceladus might harbor a subsurface ocean, making it a prime candidate for extraterrestrial life.
Shepherd Moons' Ring Mastery
Shepherd Moons' Ring Mastery
Some of Saturn's moons, known as shepherd moons, play a crucial role in maintaining the structure of Saturn's rings. Moons like Pandora and Prometheus help keep the rings in place through their gravitational influence.
Methane Lakes on Titan
Methane Lakes on Titan
Titan is the only moon known to have stable liquids on its surface. However, instead of water, these lakes and rivers are filled with methane and ethane, creating a unique and alien hydrological cycle.
Saturn's Fastest Moon
Saturn's Fastest Moon
Mimas orbits Saturn at a speed of 14.32 km/s, making it one of the fastest-moving moons in our solar system. Mascot
How many moons does Saturn have?