Orbital Mechanics Essentials

Orbital Mechanics Introduction
Orbital Mechanics Introduction
Orbital mechanics, or astrodynamics, involves the motion of spacecraft under the influence of gravitational forces. It's key for mission design, navigation, and predicting satellite positions.
Newton's Laws and Orbits
Newton's Laws and Orbits
Spacecraft orbits follow Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation. An object in orbit is in freefall, constantly 'falling' towards Earth but moving forward enough to miss it.
Types of Orbits
Types of Orbits
Orbits are categorized by shape and orientation: circular, elliptical, parabolic, hyperbolic; and by altitude: LEO, MEO, GEO, HEO. Each serves different functions, like communication or observation.
Delta-V and Propulsion
Delta-V and Propulsion
Delta-V is the change in velocity needed to alter an orbit. It’s a crucial concept in mission planning, requiring efficient propulsion systems to execute orbital maneuvers.
Lagrange Points Explained
Lagrange Points Explained
Lagrange points are five positions where a small object affected by two larger celestial bodies’ gravity can maintain a stable position relative to them, useful for spacecraft positioning.
Orbital Perturbations
Orbital Perturbations
Real orbits experience perturbations due to non-uniform Earth's gravity, solar pressure, and atmospheric drag. Precise tracking and occasional thruster burns correct these deviations.
Interplanetary Trajectories
Interplanetary Trajectories
Interplanetary missions use Hohmann transfer orbits to move between planets efficiently. They require impeccable timing to utilize planetary alignments, minimizing fuel consumption.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What does orbital mechanics study?
Orbiting planets' atmospheric conditions
Spacecraft motion under gravitational forces
Mechanics of space station modules