Mysteries of the Cosmos: Exploring Space, Time, and Beyond

Space: Vast and Ageless
Space: Vast and Ageless
Space, or the cosmos, is incredibly vast and nearly 13.8 billion years old. It's a vacuum containing galaxies, stars, and planets, with distances so large they're measured in light-years.
Absolute Zero Isn't Coldest
Absolute Zero Isn't Coldest
The coldest natural temperature recorded in space is 1K, or -272.15°C. However, scientists created a colder temperature on Earth within a lab, achieving a fraction above absolute zero using laser cooling.
Space Roar: Mysterious Sound
Space Roar: Mysterious Sound
The 'space roar' is a mysterious sound detected by radio astronomers. It is six times louder than expected and its origin remains unknown, challenging our understanding of the quiet cosmos.
Galaxies Dance and Merge
Galaxies Dance and Merge
Galaxies don't just move; they also interact, dance, and even merge. The Milky Way is on a collision course with Andromeda, set to merge in about 4 billion years.
Planets with Diamond Rains
Planets with Diamond Rains
Some exoplanets, like '55 Cancri e', have atmospheres so rich in carbon that scientists speculate it rains diamonds. These exotic weather patterns make Earth's meteorology look mundane by comparison.
Universe's Missing Baryons Found
Universe's Missing Baryons Found
Until recently, half of the universe's baryonic matter was missing. Scientists have now found it hidden as hot, diffuse gas between galaxies, solving a cosmic mystery.
Quantum Fluctuations in Vacuum
Quantum Fluctuations in Vacuum
Space is never truly empty. Quantum fluctuations occur even in perfect vacuum, with particles and antiparticles appearing and vanishing constantly, hinting at the complex nature of seemingly empty space. Mascot
How old is space?
Nearly 13.8 billion years
Around 4 billion years
Over 20 billion years