Exploring the Wonders of the Cosmos

Universe's Incomprehensible Scale
Universe's Incomprehensible Scale
The observable universe is about 93 billion light-years in diameter. It contains over two trillion galaxies, each with millions to trillions of stars, vastly surpassing human comprehension.
Mysterious Dark Matter
Mysterious Dark Matter
Though invisible, dark matter comprises about 85% of the universe's mass. Its presence is inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter and cosmic microwave background radiation.
Elusive Neutrino Particles
Elusive Neutrino Particles
Neutrinos are 'ghostly' subatomic particles with nearly no mass and rarely interact with matter. Trillions pass through you every second, and they're key to understanding supernovae and the sun's core.
Galaxies' Violent Births
Galaxies' Violent Births
Galaxies form from vast clouds of gas collapsing under gravity, often following violent cosmic events. Some believe a hypernova explosion can trigger star formation over vast distances.
Voyager's Interstellar Message
Voyager's Interstellar Message
Voyager 1 and 2 carry 'Golden Records,' with sounds and images portraying Earth's diversity, intended for any extraterrestrial life that might find them as they journey into interstellar space.
The Sun's Future
The Sun's Future
In about five billion years, the sun will exhaust its nuclear fuel, expand into a red giant, swallow Mercury and Venus, and possibly Earth, before settling as a white dwarf.
Exoplanets' Diversity
Exoplanets' Diversity
Over 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered, with some made of diamond or ice. Others have two suns or are rogue, wandering through space without a parent star.
Learn.xyz Mascot
Observable universe's diameter in light-years?
About 93 million
About 93 billion
Over 100 trillion