Exploring the Universe: From Dark Matter to Cosmic Phenomena

The Fabric of Cosmos
The Fabric of Cosmos
Astrophysics reveals the universe's intricate tapestry, woven with the threads of relativity and quantum mechanics. The cosmic fabric bends around massive objects, creating the phenomenon of gravity as predicted by Einstein's theory.
Mysteries of Dark Matter
Mysteries of Dark Matter
Though invisible, dark matter exerts gravitational pulls, shaping galaxies. It's undetectable by telescopes but its existence is inferred from the rotational speeds of galaxies, defying our understanding of visible mass alone.
Enigmatic Dark Energy
Enigmatic Dark Energy
Comprising about 68% of the universe, dark energy remains elusive. Its repulsive force accelerates cosmic expansion, a startling discovery contrary to the previously held belief that the universe's growth was slowing down.
Life Cycle of Stars
Life Cycle of Stars
Stars are cosmic engines, undergoing birth within nebulae and death leading to supernovae or black holes. Their life span is dictated by mass, with larger stars living dramatically shorter lives than their smaller counterparts.
Neutron Stars’ Secrets
Neutron Stars’ Secrets
The remnants of supernovae, neutron stars, are astonishingly dense, with a teaspoonful weighing a billion tons. They can spin up to hundreds of times per second and have magnetic fields a trillion times stronger than Earth's.
Black Holes' Boundaries
Black Holes' Boundaries
The event horizon of a black hole marks the point of no return. While traditional physics breaks down within, recent theories propose that information might not be lost as once thought, hinting at quantum gravity insights.
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Microwave Background
The Cosmic Microwave Background is the afterglow of the Big Bang, permeating the entire universe. This ancient light provides a snapshot of the universe at just 380,000 years old, revealing patterns that led to galaxy formation.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What weaves the universe's tapestry?
Relativity and quantum mechanics
Dark matter and dark energy
Galaxies and stars movement