Exploring the Mysteries of Moon Phases

Introduction to Moon Phases
Introduction to Moon Phases
The Moon's phases are a continuous cycle that depict its illuminated portion. This cycle results from its orbit around Earth, affecting what we see from our perspective.
New Moon Mysteries
New Moon Mysteries
The New Moon phase occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and Sun, making it mostly invisible due to the shaded side facing us, sometimes leading to solar eclipses.
Waxing Crescent Insights
Waxing Crescent Insights
Following the New Moon, a Waxing Crescent appears. This phase symbolized new beginnings for ancient cultures and is best seen during the evening after sunset.
Full Moon's Gravity
Full Moon's Gravity
A Full Moon occurs when Earth lies between the Moon and Sun, leading to high tides due to gravitational pull. Moon illusion makes it appear larger near the horizon.
Waning Phases Secrets
Waning Phases Secrets
During waning phases, the Moon rises later each day. Cultures have linked the Waning Gibbous to reflection and gratitude, with its dimming light signaling completion.
Blue Moon Rarity
Blue Moon Rarity
A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a calendar month or the third of four in a season. Despite the name, its color rarely changes.
Moon's Synchronous Rotation
Moon's Synchronous Rotation
The Moon's rotation is synchronous, meaning it rotates once per orbit. This keeps the same side facing Earth, hiding the far side which was unknown until space exploration.
Moon Quakes
Moon Quakes
The Moon experiences moonquakes, similar to Earth's earthquakes, caused by tidal forces from Earth's gravity. Some can last up to an hour!
Learn.xyz Mascot
What causes Moon's phases?
Earth's shadow on the Moon
Moon's rotation and orbit
Sun's movement around Earth