Exploring the Mysteries of the Cosmos

Universe's Vast Scale
Universe's Vast Scale
The observable universe extends over 93 billion light-years in diameter. It contains about 2 trillion galaxies, each brimming with billions of stars, far beyond our Milky Way.
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Microwave Background
This is the afterglow of the Big Bang, providing a snapshot of the infant universe. It offers insight into the cosmos' early moments and supports the Big Bang theory.
Dark Matter Enigma
Dark Matter Enigma
Approximately 85% of the universe's mass consists of dark matter, a mysterious substance that doesn't emit light or energy, yet exerts gravitational pull, influencing galaxy formation.
Accelerating Expansion
Accelerating Expansion
The universe isn't just expanding; it's accelerating due to dark energy. This enigmatic force counteracts gravity and could determine the ultimate fate of the cosmos.
Quantum Fluctuations
Quantum Fluctuations
Vacuum fluctuations in quantum mechanics suggest that space is never truly empty. Temporary particle pairs pop into and out of existence, hinting at a seething, dynamic cosmic fabric.
Multiverse Theories
Multiverse Theories
Some physicists propose that our universe is but one of many in a 'multiverse', where different physical constants and laws could prevail, a concept challenging our understanding of reality.
Life's Cosmic Rarity
Life's Cosmic Rarity
Despite the vast number of planets, life's existence remains rare in the observable universe. Earth's unique conditions make it a remarkable haven for life amidst the cosmic expanse.
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Diameter of the observable universe?
93 million light-years
93 billion light-years
23 billion light-years